Friday, November 9, 2012

Fun Day Today! ♥ boo ♥

YAY this is the best day in my life! i even have photos here it is

she looks like me :) but thats my dummy acc *O* so we look like twins :3 and also many people gifted me heres a proof
lemme see it all :3 .. oh all of that gifts is from my best friend wont tell ya x3

In A Fashion Show ♥ boo ♥

i have many new interest in pigg and i just love fashion shows im in one now!

Won in giveaway! ♥ boo ♥

ty to mika i won this one :D

how i look when i wear it.
if u want to visit me or gift me something
Pigg ID : theregiestar263

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Group Picture on pico ♥ boo ♥

Hi again! i have a group picture to remember our wonderful memories :') heres the picture of it 

Fashion Dress Pick One! ♥ boo ♥

Yow people! im back :) and i have to be active because im going to school tom :) and soo... i need to post many :) ty for all my fans!! :D wish you all luck ~! and this is part one of picking what outfit you like most kay pick one! pls comment :)

3rd Post ♥ boo ♥

♥ boo ♥ Hi again people! me with my buds :) with mah buds to day! and its fun with friends you know :) our group picture V


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pigg Fishing With Friends ♥boo♥

Hello Again :3 im in pigg, pigg fishing with my friends heres the photo of it

Bye :) ♥boo♥

Message From Me! ♥boo♥

Hello Im Yunie! i made a new blog, because the MinaPico♥ was a mess but i will take care of this btw ty for checking this out :)